
The current obsession!

Everyone is currently obsessing over skincare. Everyone is breaking their bank by spending money on expensive quality skincare. If you do not have a proper skincare routine these days, you will definitely feel the pressure of getting one.

All one needs is a face wash, face mask, toner, serum, moisturizer and sunscreen. If you want to be ✨extra✨ you can also add an exfoliator to your skincare routine. All of this in order to have what is popularly known as ✨glass skin✨. All of this comes at a price ofcourse. There are inexpensive brands but we all know that when it comes to skin and seeing results you really have to buy the best products...or you can be patient. Unfortunately, some of us are on a student budget and have to be patient, not by choice but by circumstance. Atleast once a day I go to a skincare brand's website, fill the shopping cart with a few items and just hope that one of these days I will come back for it.

One important thing you have to know is your skin type it is important to buy products that are suitable for your skin otherwise you might not get any results for your skin concern, or worse you could cause a skin irritation and create even bigger probelms for yourself. The hardest skin concerns to deal with are acne and hyperpigmentation. These two will have you buying all types of prducts out there because you simply want to get rid of them. It also takes a while for you to see a reduction in pimples or to see the acne scars fading. But, we continue patiently on this journey of getting glass skin. We all deserve it! Read on Wikipedia