These Fun Insights Will Stay With You Longer
Than the Candy Itself!

M&M’s Size Matters:

If you were to line up all the M&M's ever made, they would circle the Earth more than four times. That's a lot of chocolate-coated goodness!

Rejected Colors:

The original M&M's didn't include red ones. They were removed in 1976 due to concerns about red dye, which was later proven safe. They made a triumphant return in 1987, much to the delight of red candy fans everywhere!


Peanut M&M's Were an Accident:

The peanut version of M&M's was created by accident! A peanut got into the production line, and instead of throwing it away, someone had the bright idea to coat it in chocolate and candy. Voilà! A new candy was born.

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Coded by Mamaieva Anna