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Okinawan martial arts refers to martial arts, such as karate, tegumi and Okinawan kobudō, which originated among the indigenous people of Okinawa. There are five main styles: Goju-ryu, Uechi-ryu, Shorin-ryu (小林流 & 少林流), and Matsubayashi-ryu, but today we'll be learning about the first one.

Goju-ryu (剛柔流) is one of the main traditional style of Okinawan Karate, featuring a combination of hard and soft techniques. Kanryo Higaonna (1853-1915) was known as the highest authority of Naha Te. He and his successor Chojun Miyagi (1888-1953) made several basics. Go means hard, refers to closed hand techniques or straight linear attacks, Ju means soft, refers to open hand techniques and circular movements. Goju-ryu incorporates both circular and linear movements into its basic method, combining hard striking attacks such as kicks and close hand punches with softer open hand circular techniques for attacking, blocking, and controlling the opponent, including locks, grappling, takedowns, and throws. Breathing method is also very important.