The Transmontano Mastiff

A 10 thousand years old doggy 🐶

The origin of this breed is linked to the history of all Iberian mastiffs and its evolution is linked to the movement of herds from the region to the adjacent regions. Companion of the shepherd with specific guard functions against the wolf attack, always common in the area. In remote times, this dog settled in the high regions of Portugal, namely in Trás-os-Montes. In this mountainous region, which is characterized by steep pasture fields and difficult road access, this breed has adapted to the conditions of the region and to the type of sheep and goats that traditionally graze in these areas, evolving, until they become morphologically fixed, in perfect harmony with the conditions and the type of work that was requested.

Sebastião, Transmontano Mastiff
learn more about this breed @CPC

Molossoid dog of large size, strong and rustic that is evident by its imposing aspect, proud bearing and serene look. It has a square lateral profile, with high limbs, with a strong bone, naturally straight and well erected, a slightly raised belly and moderate posterior angulations. In this breed there is evident dimorphism, reaching males height and corpulence considerably higher than females.