Personal Training

I Love to see peaple achive their fitness goal

Gym Instructor, Fitness Trainer, Personal Trainer , Fitness Coach, Exercise Instructor. How many different job titles have you come across for fitness professionals? It’s no wonder people get confused! Especially when, to the untrained eye, it appears as if they’re all doing the same thing… Teaching someone how to do an exercise and motivating them, right? Well, that’s certainly part of the role for all fitness professionals. But if you’re going to convince someone to pay you to train them privately, you’re going to need to demonstrate the value you can bring outside of their gym membership. So let’s look at the one traditional roles that exist in the fitness industry. They are often given a variety of names, but we’ll refer to them by the most common name: Personal Trainer.

Personal training is about delivering an experience – you want your clients to look forward to their sessions and leave feeling energised and happy. You need to ensure your exercise knowledge is at the cutting edge so you can offer the most effective techniques and strategies to keep them engaged. Underlying all of the above is a need for sound knowledge and skills in psychology and behaviour change in order to keep clients motivated and making progress towards their goals. The best Personal Trainers are those that can maintain their clients’ focus long-term – results don’t come overnight after all.

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