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Wes Anderson movies

Especially the ones from Wes Anderson

About the maker

Wesley Wales Anderson (born May 1, 1969) is an American film maker. His films are known for their symmetry, eccentricity and distinctive visual and narrative styles, and he is regarded by some critics as a modern-day example of the auteur. Three of his films— The Royal Tenenbaums, Moonrise Kingdom, and The Grand Budapest Hotel—appeared in BBC's 2016 poll of the greatest films since 2000.

Wes Anderson techniques that make his films unique

Color palettes. Many designers and other professionals have found tremendous learning experiences from Wes Anderson films. Though his inspiration is unknown, he is known for his color palettes that can naturally, creatively, and accurately depict scenes. Case in point, his film The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou. In this film, he delicately and interchangeably uses blue and orange shades as characteristics of the marie environment. This pure Wes Anderson aesthetic endears him to fans as it is an accurate depiction of his story.

Wes Anderson colors

Typography. Like most how most people develop by their earlier life experiences, Wes Anderson is no different. Growing up, Wes Anderson watched Old Italian movies. As a tribute to them, he consistently uses a Futura font, which some have christened "Wes Anderson fonts."

Wes Anderson fonts

Music. Randall Poster has served as Anderson's music supervisor, and he may be the brains behind the consistency of the soundtracks in films produced by Anderson. His most common soundtracks are reincarnations of fast-paced pop and rock music of the 1960s and 1970s. The soundtracks are so notable that they almost, in themselves, are a character.

Wes Anderson music

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