GirlCode | Heckathon

Bringing more women in the Tech world

The hackathon is designed to spark, renew and elevate an interest in coding amongst young women, in particular those that are in University/College.
The hackathon was created to provide young women, eager to join the software industry with an opportunity to develop some of the real-world skills they need to enter the world of work.
Through the hackathon, we aim to raise awareness of female technical talent and foster a competitive, yet cooperative, and congenial culture for talented female techie.

The overarching theme of the GirlCode Hackathon revolves around aligning technology, innovation, and female empowerment to drive positive change within the context of the UN SDGs.
Each participating team will delve into one specific goal, exploring creative and impactful solutions that not only address the challenges presented but also contribute to the sustainable development of their communities and beyond.

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