The Big Five

The Kruger National Park

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Kruger is a world-class park for safaris, and many of the African animals that you would want to see on a safari are here. The animals that most people want to see are, of course, the larger African mammals. Kruger has more than 140 different species of mammal within its park borders, including all five species that make up the Big 5! With that much diversity, it isn’t likely that you’ll see everything in a single trip, but if you keep your eyes out, you’ll be sure to see some amazing things.Welcome to the Kruger National Park, The Big 5 are the 5 most dangerous animals to hunt in Africa. They include lions, leopards, elephants, rhinos, and water buffalo. But while these animals may be dangerous to hunt, you don’t really have to worry about them all that much from the safety of your car. Lions and leopards are so accustomed to visitors that they will almost entirely ignore your car unless it gets right up close to them, and so long as you give the herbivores space, they will also leave you alone. That said, elephants can cause some pretty serious damage to your car if they want to, so do watch their body language for signs of possible aggression and leave space to back off if needed Other mammals in Kruger Apart from the Big 5, Kruger is home to tons of great animals that make it a great place to do a safari with kids. We saw tons of giraffes, usually side by side with herds of zebra. Impala and other deer-like grazers are extremely common, to the point that you almost get tired of seeing them, and many of the watering holes and rivers host large herds of hippos. If you’re really lucky there are even cheetahs Smaller mammals are much harder to spot but are also definitely around. Baboons and Vervet monkeys are common, and can often be seen near the camps. While their antics are cute, they have figured out that people mean food, and Vervets especially will break into campsites in search of things to steal.