
Welcome to my little haven. I'm Khomotso commonly known as Amore. I'm a passionate book lover with a never ending TBR, a coffee ethusiast who believes there's something a good cup of coffee and cake can't fix and a wanderlust-driven traveler. Whether I'm lost in a gripping novel, exploring a cozy cafe, or wandering the streets of a city, I always have a book to hand. or discovering a hidden gem in the city or a new city, I'm always on the hunt for stories- both in books and in life.

Here I share my thoughts on te books I've devoured, the best coffee spots I've tried, and the travel experiences that have inspired me. Join me as I blend my love for literature, caffeine and adventure into one exciting journey. Let's explore the world one book, one sip, and one destination at a time.

Book reviews
Coffee spots

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