Jesus Christ-The Savior

The life of Christ

Jesus Christ is the Son of God and our savior. Everything from His ministry to His death, He did for us. His birth,death and resurrection was all targeted to deliver humanity from the shackles of sin. God’s life is the life of Christ, and the life of Christ has become our life; now Christ is our life to be experienced by us and lived by us. The Lord Jesus said that He is life (John 14:6; 11:25) and that He came for us to have life and have it abundantly (John 10:10). When we receive Christ through regeneration, we have life; He who has the Son has the life (1 Cor. 5:12), and this One dwells in us as life to be enjoyed and experienced by us. Just as life is God Himself, so life is Christ, and this life has become our life; through Christ God is manifested as life, and Christ is our life.
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