The Joy of Baking

Baking and its Benefits

Ingredients to bake with

Creating Tasty Desserts

"Making dessert at home allows you to customize your desserts to your liking. You can adjust sweetness levels, use alternative sweeteners, flours, and oils to fit your dietary needs. This means you can make desserts that meet your preferences, dietary restrictions, and taste buds."
Read more at Medium.

Enhance your Creativity

"Baking is a great creative outlet, from experimenting with flavours, to creating unique cake designs. Creative activity has also been shown to have positive mental health benefits."
Read more at Northern Healthcare.

Happiness and Desserts

"It doesn't take a rocket scientist to tell you we feel happier after treating ourselves to a tasty treat, but what's actually happening inside our brain when this occurs? Foods high in carbohydrates stimulate the release of serotonin, which acts as a hormone and helps promote feelings of happiness.
When done in moderation, desserts can give you a positive boost that fruits, veggies and other foods can't always measure up to. And while it might seem a little counterproductive at first, enjoying a dessert once a week or so can help keep you on the right healthy eating track."
Read more at CNET.