White Swiss Shepherds

5 reasons why they're the dog for you!

    Swiss Shepherd

The White Swiss Shepherd is a powerful, medium to large sized with an intelligent, expressive face, and pricked ears.

  1. 🏡 Good family pet: unlike their German Shepherd cousin, often used as guard dogs, Swiss Shepherd are a great family pet and are often used as therapy assistance animals.
  2. 🤩 Easy on the eye: their striking white coat means you’ll often find yourself stopped by admirers while out for a walk!
  3. 🦮 Intelligent: intelligent nature means they respond very well to training and can carry out a range of tasks.
  4. 🏃🏾‍♀️ Active: Enjoy a long walk or hike in the hills? The Swiss Shepherd enjoys long walks of around two hours a day meaning you’ll get both a furry friend and an exercise companion!
  5. ⌛️ Good life span: these dogs live for around 10-12 years.

Have we peaked your interest? Find out more about this wonderful breed on The Kennel Club website.

This page was coded by Rachel Brooks