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Hunt your nighmares

A lone traveller. A cursed town. A deadly mystery that swallows everything it touches. Face your fears as you enter the decaying city of Yharnam, a forsaken place ravaged by a terrible, all-consuming illness. Scour its darkest shadows, fight for your life with blades and guns and discover secrets that will make your blood run cold – but just might save your skin...

You Died

I cannot remember how many times I've seen this message now, followed by an instrinsic urge to throw my PS controller at the TV screen...

Bloodborne, just like all Souls games, have a reputation for being ridiculously difficult. This is simply because they are indeed one of the most difficult RPGs out there. It is argued to be THE most difficult of them all. Unlike other games, it requires an offensive approach, meaning even when you have your ass kicked, the strategy is still to go for the attack. Even if you wanted to go on the defense, you can't really as you are not given a shield (as in the other DS games).

I have never played this game with the lights off. NEVER. And I NEVER WILL though I have played the game, have watched other people play it and pretty much know what happens. See, it is not just the graphics that is horrifying .. the soundtrack is absolutely brilliant... or in some cases the lack of sound - the tension just builds up.

Bloodborne is one of the scaries and most frustrating games that I have ever played but it is also one of the best and most rewarding too. If you are a newbie and are looking for starter hints & tips - get in touch.

Bloodborne News

Created by Mila P