The History Of Animation

"Animation is about creating the illusion of life. And you can't create it if you don't have one." -Brad Bird

The roots of animation can be traced back to the earliest forms of visual communication. However, it was the discovery of persitence vision that laid the foundation for the development of animation we know today.In the early 20th century,animation took a significant leap forward with the creation of the first animated films. With the development of the praxinoscope that used mirrors to reflect a series of drawing,creating the illusion of movement. A seismic shift occured with the rise of computer animation. The development of powerful computers and sophisticated software allowed animators to create stunning visuals and realsitic movements in digital environment.
The influence of Japenese anime cannont be overlooked when exploring the history of animation. Anime, characterized by it's distinct art style,storytelling techniques and cultural references, gained a massive global following. The future of anime as technology continues to evolve,the future of animation holds limitlesss possibilities. Advancement in virtual reality(VR) and augmented reality(AR) present exciting opportunities for immersive storytelling experiences. The fusion of AI and animation opens up a new horizon for creativity and innovation.

History of animation

Animation is full of deeper commentary on the world. So i would highly recommend for people to watch it๐Ÿ˜Š

Coded by Lesego Diale.