Study abroad in South Korea

experience life in Korea while learning the language, and so much more

Study abroad in Korea. Live in Seoul. Make friends. Learn the language. Go on trips to the beach. Eat lots of delicious food. Try new things. Learn about your new friends’ cultures. Attend appointments at immigration. Sing until you lose your voice at karaoke. Walk through the streets at night and admire the neon signs. Go to a drone show. Drink too much soju. Realise you made friends for life. Attend your favourite kpop groups concerts. Suffer through the freezing cold winter. Admire the cherry blossoms in spring. Buy and lose 100 umbrellas during monsoon season. Get home drunk at 5am and leave for class again at 8. Do homework. Study. Pass your midterms. Pass your finals. Say goodbye. Fly home.

Come back home and wish you could go back and do it all again.