Especialy Ethiopian Coffee

Ethiopian Coffee

Ethiopia is the world's fifth largest producer of coffee, and Africa's top producer, with 496,200 tonnes in 2022. [9] Over 4 million small-scale farmers produce coffee.[10] Half of the coffee is consumed by Ethiopians,[11] and the country leads the continent in domestic consumption. [12] The major markets for Ethiopian coffee are the EU (about half of exports), East Asia (about a quarter) and North America.[13] The total area used for coffee cultivation is estimated to be about 4,000 km2 (1,500 sq mi). The exact size is unknown due to the fragmented nature of the coffee farms. [14] The way of production has not changed much, with nearly all work, cultivating and drying, still done by hand. [11] Ethiopia's coffees can be divided into three main categories, depending on their method of production: Forest Coffees, from wild coffee trees grown mostly in the southwest of the country; Garden Coffees, from trees typically planted around a homestead or other dwelling; Plantation Coffees, from trees grown intensively on large farms.

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