I'm a Gym Girl 💪

By Gabrielle Ndoro

Gym girl squatting

My ponytail's fierce, my leggings are bright, Ready to conquer this ironclad fight.
The squat rack's a mountain, a daunting display, But inch by inch, I'll conquer it all through the day.

The weights may look heavy, but fret not, my friend, I'll lift them with grace, till the workout does end.
My biceps may quiver, my legs may ignite, But laughter's my fuel, and I'll finish with might.

So don't underestimate this firecracker's soul, Though short in stature, my strength takes control.
With every deadlift, with every lunge deep, I'm proving my tiny self mountains can leap.

So next time you see me, don't offer a spot, This pocket-sized powerhouse needs muscles a lot!
But maybe a fist bump, a smile, or a cheer, For the little gym rat with strength beyond fear.