

..for the health of the soul and body

Yoga is a very old, holistic exercise system from India. It helps to bring body, mind and soul into balance and can also be translated as "unity", "connection" and "harmony". Ultimately, yoga wants to lead you to experience harmony and unity with everything, with the divine, original core within yourself.

Find out everything about yoga from Europe's largest ashram / seminar house for yoga, meditation and Ayurveda. Here you will find knowledge, tips and videos for your yoga practice!

Benefits of Yoga

Yoga helps:

  • Improve concentration, develop stress resistance and skills to slow down the pace of life;
  • Restore the emotional background, calm the psyche;
  • “Renew” the body and regulate hormonal levels;
  • Improve the quality of sleep;
  • Improve physical health (strength, flexibility, balance).

Today, there are many schools, teachers, and styles of yoga around the world. Some adhere to traditional teachings, while others combine new and ancient techniques, so everyone can find something for themselves in yoga. Yoga is suitable for everyone - regardless of age, gender, religion, and physical fitness. At the same time, yoga is not a sport or fitness in the usual sense. There is no need to set goals and there is no competition: it is a personal practice, even if it occurs in a group. The frantic pace of life, multitasking, excess information - all this contributes to self-destruction, stress, tension, blocks and clamps in the body. We move little, sleep poorly, eat on the go, do not know how to relax. Yoga is a tool for self-healing at all levels, for self-regulation and self-discipline.

8 Easy Tips for Yoga Beginners
Created by Hanna Vorovik