Avatar is set in the year 2154, in which former Marine Jake Sully is recruited for a mission on Pandora, a distant moon where a corporate consortium is mining a rare mineral that is key to solving Earth’s energy crisis. To exist on Pandora, Jake must be reborn as an avatar, a remotely controlled biological body that can survive in the lethal air. After Neytiri, a female member of the Na’vi, the indigenous clan he was sent to infiltrate, saves Jake’s life, he finds himself drawn to the Na’vi’s ways. Soon, Jake becomes embroiled in a clash of civilizations and faces the ultimate test in a monumental battle that will decide the fate of an entire world.
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In addition to having an excellent plot, this film, together with the
rest of the saga, gives a beautiful message about taking care for the
environment. From the beginning of the movie we know that humans came to
Pandora with the aim of exploiting it since the earth is in chaos, which
makes us think about the way we treat our ecosystems.
Seeing the pain that walling their house causes to the
Na’vi people, we understand that we must take care of ours.
This film teaches about the importance of fauna and flora species.