
The Goddess of Spring and Nature
and Queen of the Underworld

Statue of syncretic Persephone-Isis with a sistrum. Heraklion Archaelogical Museum, Crete.

Known to most as the beautiful young maiden stolen away by Hades, Persephone is more than a victim of the God of the Dead and King of the Underworld. Persephone is the Greek goddess of Spring and nature, who later becomes the all-powerful Queen of the Underworld, ruling fiercely alongside her uncle-husband. It is her position as the Dread Queen of the Underworld that gains her the new name of 'Persephone' which translates to "Bringer of Death" or "Destroy-Slay," contrasting greatly with her original name, 'Kore,' that translates simply to "maiden" in the Greek language.

Source: Theoi Encyclopedia

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