For the Sci-Fi Enthusiast

The Three-Body Problem

Introduction of Three-body Universe🫧

Focuses on humans dealing with the incoming invasion of a highly-advanced alien civilization called Three-Body.

Three-body image

The Three-Body Problem" is a science fiction novel by Liu Cixin that begins with China's Cultural Revolution and follows the discovery of an advanced alien civilization. In the novel, scientists in China secretly transmit signals into space, eventually making contact with the Trisolarans, a technologically superior race from a planet in the unstable three-body star system. As the Trisolarans plan their invasion of Earth, humanity grapples with internal conflicts and philosophical questions about survival, cooperation, and the nature of the universe. The story explores complex scientific ideas, political intrigue, and deep ethical dilemmas, weaving a narrative that challenges readers to consider the implications of contact with extraterrestrial intelligence.
An English-language Netflix series adaptation, 3 Body Problem, was released in March 2024.

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