
One of my favorite hobbies📚🌕
Let's talk about benefits of reading for our brain 🎁

10 Brain Reasons To Make Reading a Habit

Reading books improves brain functions such as memory, attention and concentration. It can also improve empathy, social skills and creativity. It is important for children and older people not just to read books, but to discuss them so that what they read is “postponed” and does not go to waste

Reading makes the brain work. Reading is for the mind what exercise is for the body. It allows us to navigate the expanses of space, time, history, and offers us a deeper look at various ideas, concepts and the very essence of knowledge. Roberto Bolaño says, “Reading is like thinking, praying, talking to a friend, expressing your thoughts, listening to the ideas of others, enjoying music, seeing a beautiful landscape and walking on the beach.” Our brain works when we read - it develops, changes, creates new connections and different images depending on what we read.

Reading involves several functional areas of the brain, including visual and auditory processing, phonemic awareness, fluency, comprehension, and more. Reading stimulates the same neurological areas of the brain that work during real-life experiences. According to ongoing research at Haskins Laboratories regarding spoken and written word cognition, reading, as opposed to watching or listening, allows more time for thinking, processing information, visualizing it, and internal interpretation. Reading daily can slow down age-related cognitive decline and keep your brain sharp.

Reading stimulates logical thinking Research shows that reading not only helps develop agile intelligence (the ability to think logically, analyse and solve problems independently of previous experience - note), but also conscious perception along with emotional intelligence. "Agile intelligence" is the ability to problem solve, understand and recognise meaningful elements. Reading can increase mobile intelligence, and it can improve conscious comprehension of text. A Stanford study found a neurobiological difference between reading for pleasure and concentrated reading, such as when taking a test. Blood flows to different neural areas depending on how we read.

Reading not only improves brain activity, but also allows you to extend your focus and concentration time. If you are having trouble concentrating, reading can help you maximise it. When you read a book, all your attention is focused on the plot or your quest to deepen your knowledge in a particular area - the rest of the world disappears and you can immerse yourself in the story, taking in every detail. Well-structured books allow us to think coherently. Thus, the more we read, the more our brain develops the skill of connecting cause to effect. Try to read for 15-20 minutes in the morning before work (for example, while you're driving to work, if you use public transport). You'll be surprised how much more attentive you'll become at work. Dissolving in a book is inexpressibly relaxing!😇😇😇

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