You do like Art, don't you?

But do you know Art History well enough?


“Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.”– Pablo Picasso🖌
“Great art picks up where nature ends.” – Marc Chagall🖌
“I want to touch people with my art. I want them to say, ‘he feels deeply, he feels tenderly.” – Vincent Van Gogh🖌
“If a man devotes himself to art, much evil is avoided that happens otherwise if one is idle.” – Albrecht Dürer🖌
“Art is never finished, only abandoned.” – Leonardo Da Vinci🖌
“Art is a line around your thoughts.” – Gustav Klimt🖌

Start learning Art History now, and you will feel at home at any art museum of the world. Recognize the great masters through their masterpieces and become your own guide!

Coded by Tetiana Vyshnevska