Yoga = Balance

Find you inner balance through practice

Yoga has its roots in India and is a practice that combines physical, mental and spiritual elements through which you can find inner balance.

At first, yoga may seem very esoteric, which may seem repelling a lot of people. Yet, it is a practice that allows the practioneer to be him or herself.



Meditation is a way to relax and to focus on the moment and thereby achieving a calm and stable mental state. There are different ways to meditate. Mostly, you find yourself a comfortable position in which you can stay for a long time period.



Pranayama stands for conscious breathing. Through Pranayama you can increase the oxygen flow within your body. In order to practice pranayam concentrate on your breath and first simply observe your natrual breathing. Then slowly start manipulating your breathing by e.g. deeping your breaths.



Asanas are body positions such as the warrior or tree position. This is what the majority of pleaple associate with yoga. Mostly, you try to always connect with the ground you are standing on. Throuhg the asanas you improve your muscle strength and flexibility.

Coded by J.