Moyo loves coding

Especially JavaScript

Moyo Oyeniyi

My name is Moyo Oyeniyi and I started learning how to code in 2023. Initially, I felt like a novice because of the learning platforms that I was using. Fast forward to 2024, I found SheCodes and it has been amazing. I wish I found SheCodes earlier. I have learnt how to properly code with HTML and CSS and I am currently on JavaScript.

In HTML, I learnt headings, linebreak, how to link images, how to add links, ordered and unordered lists, line break, horizontal line, how to make a text bold, how to put italics, the difference between div and span.

In CSS I have learnt padding, margin, border, the difference between inline and block display, how to transform text to upper case, how to center and resize an image, box shadows, decorating a box and making the color change when I hover on it.

So far in JavaScript, I have learnt one of the things that felt impossible. I understand that functions are important in JavaScript but I didn't understand till I learnt on SheCodes. I have also learnt how to select an element or a class with document.queryselector, how to make JavaScript display a prompt, how to add event listener.

I have also learnt how to google what ever I am forgetting and that I don't have to remember everything.

In colusion, Matt Delac, the creator of SheCodes did and excellent job and putting this course together. I am grateful!

Learn more about me

This page was built by Moyo Oyeniyi