My review for Supacell series.

This is a must watch kinda series!

Main cast

This series is about a group of black south londonders with superpowers trigered by sickle cell anaemia. I love how this show creates awareness on this disease because people have created a lot of stigna around it. We learn that the powers, known as Supacell, comes from one or both their parents having sickle cell - a heredictary condition particularly common in black people or the trait. So Supacell is a mutaton of sickle cell that can lay dormant or awaken after close proximity with another Supacell. As they deal with the impact of their powers on their daily lives, one man must bring them together.

The Main Characters: Michael Lasaki as Tosin Cole, Josh Tedeu as Taser, Calvin Demba as Rodney, Eric Kofi-Abrefa as Andre and Nadine Mills as Sabrina.


The most common alteration in the HBB gene leads to the SS genotype. Other types of sickle cell are a result of inheriting one hemoglobin S gene and one different abnormal beta-globin gene. For example, inheriting one hemoglobin S gene and one hemoglobin C gene would result in an HbSC genotype.
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