Salad Cream

It's not just for salad

Salad cream is a creamy, pale yellow condiment based on an emulsion of about 25–50 percent oil in water, emulsified by egg yolk and acidulated by spirit vinegar. It may include other ingredients such as sugar, mustard, salt, thickener, spices, flavouring and colouring.

The first ready-made commercial product was introduced in the United Kingdom in 1914, where it is used as a salad dressing and a sandwich spread. Historically, salad cream, often mentioned in Victorian sources, consisted of "hard-boiled eggs puréed with cream, mustard, salt and vinegar".

Read on Wikipedia Original salad cream

Despite it's beginnings and the name, the condiment is more versatile than you think it is. Don't believe me, then check out what The Guardian said about it. It's a must-have on my shopping list and I put it on most food. If you're a vegan, then you're covered because there's now even a vegan version available.

Vegan salad cream