Watercolor Painting for Beginners

For a soothing boost of creativity and whimsy, try your hand at watercolor. With a few simple steps, anyone can discover their artistic side and achieve moments of peace and tranquility. This simple painting medium produces colorful, modern paintings to adorn invitations, gifts, and walls.

The supplies are simple: a basic palette of watercolors, a selection of brushes, and nice thick paper will do the job.

Your bright, whimsical art is guaranteed to bring color to any gray day. It's never too late to pick up a new hobby -- start painting your own beautiful cards and artwork today!
(Source: The Joy of Watercolor by Emma Block

Getting Started:


Once you have your supplies together, check out these beginner tutorials by Watercolour Affair.
Another great resource, The Joy of Watercolour by Emma Block.

Click the link below to order the book.