Student on budget

Your Guide To Travelling


All my life I have been told that travelling is expensive. I have come to realize that it is a myth and with as little as $800,you can have an all inclusive trip to your favourite countries. It is all about planning and good forecasting. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that a trip has to be long to be worth it-travel when you can. Take advantage of college breaks to travel especially if it’s during an off-peak time for the place you’re going. You can travel on the cheap without missing out on your dream destinations,you just need to get creative! The cheap countries I selected here are not just great destinations for budget travel, they are great destinations period. I’ve traveled to all of them and I can tell you from first-hand experience they’re not just great bargains, but are also among the most exciting to explore. Here are a list of the most affordable countries to start with:

Learn more about travel budgets.✈️

This page was built by Maimouna Sylla👩🏽‍✈️