Why are cats the best 🐈

(especially orange tabby cats.)

There are many reasons why cats are lovely creatures. They are perfect in every way because they are independent, yet affectionate; they are graceful and elegant, and they have unique personality that is both alluring and intriguing. Cats are perfect companions for those who want a pet that is not too demanding. They are content to lounge around and be petted but are also independent enough to not need constant attention. This makes them ideal for busy people who still want the companionship of a pet.
Specifically, ginger cats are perceived to be friendlier and more affectionate with humans. A study conducted in 2012 revealed that based on cat owner perception, gingers are regarded as the most affectionate with their guardians and have been lovingly dubbed 'Velcro cats'!

*Learn more on ginger cats!* 🕵️‍♀️
Created by MarinaF.