THE FUN IN JOGGINGšŸƒā€ā™€ļø.

We say the best jogging time is in the morning, what do you say? Join us to find out the best time to fun-run!!

 morning jog

Most runners find that they are most consistent with their training if they establish a running routine, which typically involves running at roughly the same time of day every day that they run. Because of this tendency, runners usually fall within one of several camps: morning, midday, or evening runs. While thereā€™s quite a bit of variability in the midday runners camp, the morning runners group is pretty well-defined and large in terms of unofficial membership. Indeed, running in the morning is quite a popular and successful training strategy for lots of runners. Why do so many runners choose the start of the day to get in their miles? It probably comes down to the fact that there are so many benefits of running in the morning that, theoretically, any two different morning runners probably have their own unique set of reasons as to why they choose to run in the morning.

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