Homeless people actually bother me.

I know what your're thinking, what sort of jerk am I to openly express this sentiment ? I mean there were other manners I could've told the world what I actually think but you are wrong.I was on my way to Joburg in South Africa when I passed a bridge on a national road where a tent surrounded by litter caught my eye.Unlike most people who could turn their heads and choose to be ignorant about their privilage I couldn't and the more I stared the more this uneasy feeling stirred at the pit of my stomach.Questions like "What happened to said person to end up living underneath a bridge or how would they react if I choose to conversate with them and how come we have politicians that are incompetent yet have people living under a bridge?" flooded my OCD brain as I tried to wrap my head around the artrocity I was currently embedded in. In that moment I was forced to realise my own privilage and that made me uncomfortable.I couldn't stop thinking about what I saw under that bridge for the entire day and it also wasn't the last time I saw a homeless person in Joburg but what do I mean privilage ? Homeless people should work hard, stop being lazy and blaming others for their situation right ? So I'm not allowed to enjoy the possensions that I worked hard for without thinking about some random homeless person in Joburg ? Some of you might be thinking that as you read this.

When you look away and choose not to acknowlegde the reality that people are affected by the same socio-economic issues that affect you, just on a larger scale you are actively choosing to a part of a capitalistic system that makes the poor poorer and the rich richer because why should you care about homeless people? You have better things to do.

That is your privilage.

"And I'm insensitive, and I lack empathy
He looked at me and said, "Your potential is bittersweet"
I looked at him and said, "Every nickel is mines to keep"
He looked at me and said, "Know the truth, it'll set you free"
You're lookin' at the Messiah, the son of Jehova, the higher power
The choir that spoke the word, the Holy Spirit, the nerve
Of Nazareth, and I'll tell you just how much a dollar cost
The price of having a spot in Heaven, embrace your loss, I am God"

How Much a Dollor Cost - Kendrick Lamar

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