I Love Violin

Violins are important instruments in a wide variety of musical genres. They are most prominent in the Western classical tradition.Violins are also important in many varieties of folk music, including country music, bluegrass music, and in jazz.

Especially Carnatic Violin

Violin has been imbibed into carnatic music nearly 200 years ago. Initially it was used as an accompanying instrument and later it was extended to solo performance as well.Carnatic music is primarily a vocal oriented music. It is adorned when vocals are accompanied with an instrument. It has been postulated that violin suites more than any other instrument for an accompaniment.The Carnatic violin is played sitting cross-legged, the instrument pointing to the ground with the scroll resting firmly on the ankle of the player's right foot. The aim of tone production in violin is to imitate the Carnatic vocal style.

Know more about Carnatic Violin

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