Food and nutrition

The well known secret to good tasting food is salt, acid , heat.
Drizzle some olive oil on your favorite veggies add salt and pepper and put it in the oven for about 20 minutes on 200 degrees.

Being obese has really only become a thing that is growing since the 70s with the introduction of processed food - this is marketable because other companies can't easy replicate it like you can say, a brocolli . Processed food is designed to be hyper paletable and it messes with your feeling of satiety (feeling full ) So making your own food is the best way to good health.

A combination of vegetables, lagumes, carbohydrates, protein and healthy fats is the best way and not denying yourself the occational treat.

See cooking as a hobby rather than a chore - it is a time be creative and playful. See nutrition as a thing to seek- all the good vitamins and minerals -rather than bad food to avoid.

have a good mentality about it, do lots of research on good foods and what they do. Look up recipies and adapt them and just have fun!