
The beautiful city in the Czech Republic

Tradicional capital

Brno is a city in Moravia, relatively close to Czechia’s borders with Austria and Slovakia. It is the country’s second largest city after Prague and the largest city of Moravia. It was the capital of Moravia between 1641 and 1948. Nowadays, Moravia no longer exists as an administrative entity and therefore it does not have an official capital. It does, however, exist as one of the three historic Czech lands (besides Bohemia and Czech Silesia) and Brno can be considered its traditional capital.

Brno is internationally famous for its exhibition center. It was opened in 1928 and belongs to the largest exhibition venues in Europe. Every year about 50 trade fairs and other events are held at the Brno Exhibition Center. More than 1 million visitors attend these events. Prague is the official capital of the country, but it cannot compete with Brno in terms of trade fairs. Therefore, the Moravian city is sometimes called “the capital of trade fairs” (hlavní město veletrhů).

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