Harold Lloyd Fan Club

For dedicated devotees of Harold Lloyd


Harold Lloyd was born Burchard, Nebraska on April 20, 1893. He was the second son of James Darsie and Elizabeth Lloyd. His ambition to perform… “… goes back to the first time I can remember knowing what an actor was. I never had any other idea. And when my family moved around, as it did frequently, I began to play in amateur theatricals. When I was only twelve years old, I was playing Little Abe in Tess of the D’Urbervilles.” Stage roles in school productions led to work in stock theatrical productions. Harold was down to his last nickel in San Diego when the Edison Film Company came to town looking for extras. After shooting his four-second film debut as an Indian in “The Old Monk’s Tale,” Harold set his sights on a career in the movies and moved to Los Angeles.

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