
(pronounced: "po-zo-leh")


Pozole is a delicious, traditional Mexican soup made of hominy maize and pork (or sometimes chicken). The soup is typically garnished with shredded lettuce, radishes, avocado and salsa (salsa verde or salsa roja depending on the region). It is seasoned with aromatics like onion, garlic and chili as well as herbs such as oregano.

Alike many Mexican dishes, pozole has mesoamerican roots, the name coming from the náhuatl 'posolli' (from 'tlapozonalli') meaning boiled or frothy. Maize/corn was considered sacred for the Aztecs and other Mesoamerican groups so pozole was usually consumed on special occasions. Given that the dish is so tasty this doesn't stop people today from eating pozole whenever they want!
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