Heyford Avenue Supper Club is usually an informal affair.
Unspecified, unthemed and sometimes even unannounced, friends join at the table for laughter, stories and the odd game of monopoly deal.
Food and beverage are always the main event though, and close to a sacred ritual during our get-togethers.
With COVID-19 putting a pause to our foodie sessions and shenanigans in group, the residents of Heyford Avenue decided to jump on the Veganuary band wagon, and were they plesently suprised!
Research, creative spurts and regular trips to Venn street market have allowed us to come up with a whole new repertoir of dishes, some of the stolen recipes shared below
While working on being able to also put up our own vegan creations, please share your ideas to keep us going until we can open up the doors to Heyford Avenue again