Art Therapy
A very Useful and Practical form of Therapy

Fun and relaxing for all Ages

Art Therapy has been an interest of mine since finding out it was an option in therapy treatments at a young age. Having a love for art prior to finding art therapy also peaked my interest in learning and applying it into my life. With art therapy it is easier to have an adult engage in their session, and this is especially true for teenagers and young children who are prone to not open up in a difficult or stressing situation.
I have used something similar to art therapy with children I have worked with in school and hospital.

Different forms of medium used in Art Therapy

Art comes in different types of medium and it is useful to have the individual decide for themselves what they want to use and how they want to use it. This gives the individual (be an adult or child) a choice on how they want their session to go and in turn gives them a sense of control without having anxiety or skeptism of being in therapy.
My favorite medium of art is painting, I espeically love using acrylic paint on canvases.

Conditions Art Therapy is used to treat

Although I am not a certified Art Therapist, I still find it useful to use art as a type of stress reliever, and I have used art to help children I have worked with in the past. It also helps one express what they are feeling without using words, which again is someting that is very useful with children who do not know how to express themselves verbally.
As a child art has a been a form to express my emotions in moments of stress and anxiety.

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