Becoming your best self

3 ways Journaling can help you become the person you've always dreamed of

When you're young, you get in trouble and you want to express your ill feelings toward your family... but who can you tell? Almost all of us probably turned to a journal to [regrettably] say "I hate my dad." Though these feelings likely didn't last long, especially after dad came in and offered you ice cream, there was some self-healing in that mean, angry journal entry.
Ironically, we journal less as we get older. It's more common for children to journal in comparison to adults. In a survey conducted by, 8% of respondents currently keep a journal. On the other hand, 32% of respondents say they don't know how to get benefits from journaling. Here's 3 ways journaling can help you become your best self.


Want to start journaling, but don't know where to start? Click below for journal prompts!