🌷☕Compostable Coffee Cups☕🌿

Get your caffeine and keep your cup out of a landfill!

We all love our cup of early morning to-go coffee from our local bodega, or from the cool new single origin-focused shop around the corner, or from Starbucks because we're desperate. We get our coffee on our way out to go do good in the world, or to go work an absurdly long shift, or to write a 20 page research paper that is due in under 48 hours. Getting coffee is how we signal to ourselves 'I made it out of the house and I'm going to do something'.

We're all pretty busy-we have a lot to do. But that means a lot of cups of coffee on the go, and a lot of single use cups in the trash. Enter compostable coffee cups; not paper, not plastic, but fully compostable cups lined with biodegradable sealant. Choosing to use a compostable coffee cup is an easy way to get your caffeine fix while helping the planet a little bit, straight away in the day!

To-go coffee addicts? Find to-go places with compostable cups! Restaurant/cafe owners? Compostable cups are a selling point to attract clientelle, and using them can help to offset the high environmental cost of your other waste. Click the button below to sign up for our compostable cup subscription service!

Find out more about compostable coffee cups here!

This page was coded by Cat Boulay