Book Hook

A short list of books that will change you

Walk Through Walls_Marina Abramovic

Walk Through Walls is Marina Abramovic's memoir, a Serbian artist I became aware of in 2014, a year after she did a live art event called The Space in Between at the New York Art gallery. This book chose me, rather than the other way around. Marina beautifully teaches how an artist needs to be 50% art and 50% pure grit to transcend. She believed in her art when everything was going well and believed even more when everything was downhill. Whether you're an artist or not, this book will resonate with anyone looking to embrace big dreams and be guided by them, no matter what.

Torto Arado_Itamar Vieira Junior

Torto Arado is a book about sisterhood, the power of ancestry, and resilience. Written by Brazilian philosopher Itamar Vieira Junior, Torto Arado won the Jabuti in 2019. Itamar Vieira Junior's beautiful writing makes me wonder if Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and Ana Maria Gonçalves merged their styles, this would be the masterpiece. It's the kind of book that, no matter what you read next, will never be forgotten. "Torto Arado" has become a verb in my mind to explain something that sticks with you and makes you wonder in the realm of imagination, where Bibiana and Belonisia are now.

Becoming Supernatural_Joe Dispenza

Becoming Supernatural is a self-help book (and it pains me to say that) because it's the genre I enjoy the least. However, Becoming Supernatural by the American Joe Dispenza is the kind of book that will only resonate with you if you're ready to make a drastic change in how you experience life. The book's core message is about the power of the mind—how it can change our life's perspective, just as music can alter our mood or a happy friend's energy can light up a room. Trust me, if you're willing to reprogram your thoughts, be prepared for Joe Dispenza to revolutionise your mind.

Check my book list 🌻