All About Knitting 🧶

A history of knitting

Knitting is a method for production of textile fabrics by interlacing yarn loops with loops of the same or other yarns. It is used to create many types of garments. Knitting may be done by hand or by machine.

Knitting creates stitches: loops of yarn in a row, they can be either flat or in the round (tubular). There are usually many active stitches on the knitting needle at one time. Knitted fabric consists of number of consecutive rows of connected loops that intermesh with the next and previous rows. As each row is formed, each newly created loop is pulled through one or more loops from the prior row and placed on the gaining needle so that the loops from the prior row can be pulled off the other needle without unraveling.

Find out more on wikipedia.

Knitting today

Even with the invention of knitting machines, many people still knit by hand. Communities for hand knitting have sprung up, and you can find them everywhere! Your local yarn store may have one, or you can get invovled with an online community at Ravelry.

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