Genisis 2:18 The lord God said it is not good that man should be alone, i will make a suitable companion to help him. 23 then the man said last here is one of my own kind, bone taken from my bone and flesh form my flesh. women is her name because she was take out of man


Feminism gives women equal rights to find their rightful place in the public world. the fundamental and complete misunderstanding of what feminism is, it is about equality and choice. it is about a women being able to say Today i want to wear a dress or not, it is about the ability to choose. Listen it all boils down to choice and there are so many misconceptions and misunderstandings about what it really is. personaly feminism isnt about all women have to work, it is about supporting them! nomatter what they do: if she wants to have a job thats Amazing! lets support her!!! But if she wants to be a stay at home mom (willingly) lets support her too! thats so COOL!!!

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