πŸ₯œ Peanut Butter πŸ₯œ

The Crunch Of Dreams!

People who prefer smooth peanut butter over crunchy peanut butter are the worst! 🫒

Peanut Butter

I’m not usually one for calling people names, but if you think that smooth peanut butter is better than crunchy peanut butter then you’re wrong.

Dead wrong.

Crunchy is superior to smooth in just about every facet imaginable, and I will not respect the opinion of anyone who thinks otherwise. Smooth peanut butter is a claggy and muted food paste, lacking in any real chutzpah and drive, while crunchy peanut butter is an urbane and well-structured spread with an enviable jawline. Crunchy is the overwhelmingly more talented sibling; the favourite child of the family; the only acceptable form of PB in a PB&J sandwich; and quite often the only reason that I even bother getting up in the morning.

Here are more delicious reasons why crunchy peanut butter is superior 🀀