Cute Pups!

A puppy competition for pup lovers.

 Super Duper Cute

Did you know?
Puppies are born with a fully functional sense of smell. They are unable to open their eyes. During their first two weeks, a puppy's senses all develop rapidly. During this stage the nose is the primary sense organ used by puppies to find their mother's teats, and to locate their littermates, if they become separated by a short distance. Puppies open their eyes about nine to eleven days following birth. At first, their retinas are poorly developed and their vision is poor. Puppies are not able to see as well as adult dogs. In addition, puppies' ears remain sealed until about thirteen to seventeen days after birth, after which they respond more actively to sounds. Between two and four weeks old, puppies usually begin to growl, bite, wag their tails, and bark.

Find out more about puppies on Wikipedia

Stand a chance to win R10 000 by entering the Cute Pups competition.

You must be living in South Africa to enter your puppy.

This page was built by Kerissa Reddy