
A whole other world

While playing video games, you can become anyone you want. The problems and worries of the outside world cease to exist.
You can submerge yourself into adventures, roam the vast open world, slay mighty foes or just kick back and relax while taking care of your garden.

It can be a welcome break from reality, but if one is not careful, it can become your new reality.
Gaming needs to be done responsibly and with care, on your free time. Not to use it instead of living real life or taking care of your resposibilities.

The real beauty begins when playing with friends, engaging together across the borders of different countries. Forming long lasting bonds.
I have been the maid of honor in Egypt to a woman I never met before, but whom I chatted and played with for years.
My best friend comes from and lives in Denmark, who I also met in a game and chatted with for years before meeting.
I moved to Belgium to meet a guy I met in a game and we were together for several years.

I think that people who don't play video games might find it rather stupid, because they don't understand.
But the social aspect of it all, bonding with people from all over our planet, is what makes it so magical.
Our real life worlds might be completely different from each others, but in the game, we all share the same world.