🐼Red Pandas🐼 are amazing!🐼

red panda

The red panda (Ailurus fulgens) is a mammal. It is the only species of the Ailuridae family. There are two subspecies: Ailurus fulgens fulgens and Ailurus fulgens styani. It is also known as lesser panda, cat-bear, bear-cat and firefox. Red pandas are about 50-60 centimeters long and weigh between three and five kilograms. They have chestnut colored hair, and their faces have white markings. A red panda's tail can measure from 30 to 50 centimeters long (Almost the length of their body) which provides them with balance while navigating the treetops. They will also use these tails as wraparound blankets in their chilly mountain habitat.[4] They live alone while they are adults. They have thumb-like appendages for grabbing Bamboo, similar to giant pandas. Red pandas feed mainly on bamboo using their opposable thumb. While their thumb-like appendages can be used in the same way as that of giant pandas, it is believed that the red panda’s opposable thumbs may have evolved as an adaptation for grasping branches in trees rather than for stripping bamboo.[5] The red panda can be found spending most of their day on top of tree branches. Their thumb-like appendages make them skilled climbers. [6]They live eight to ten years in the wild and up to 15 years in captivity.[7] They have the digestive system and skeleton of a carnivore, but they mostly eat plants.[8] In addition to Bamboo, the Red Panda also eats fruits, tuberous roots, acorns, small mammals, bugs, grubs, birds, grasses, and beech mast.[9] The Red Panda is classified as crepuscular, which means they are active around dawn and sunset, sleeping during the night and midday instead.