

In 1987, Geoffrey and Patricia Straker embarked on a journey that would change their lives. This journey began in the kitchen of their Christ Church home, where they made and bottled seasoning for friends and family for use in their cooking. Encouraged by increasing demands for their products, they decided to distribute the seasoning to the local supermarkets, thus the creation of DELISH and its slogan Delish in any dish. Well as we say, the rest is history. The seasoning distribution exceeded expectations and Delish Products was moved from the small kitchen to its own larger facility to meet the increasing demand. As sales increased so did the product line, and from the original Bajan Seasoning recipe, Delish Bajan No Pepper, Delish Jerk, Delish Dill and Delish Minced Garlic seasonings evolved. As time passed and the success of Delish Products continued, pepper sauces were added to the product list including Delish Bajan Pepper Sauce, Delish Red Hot Pepper Sauce, Delish Cucumber Pepper sauce and Delish Pepper jelly. Whether used to season meats and fish or added to food dishes Delish seasonings and pepper sauces lend a unique and delectable flavour, and as our slogan says DELISH IN ANY DISH! Bajans believe that no meal is complete without a cool and refreshing beverage and Delish desiring to provide the complete Bajan dining experience recently introduced a new line of products including Old Time Mauby Syrup and Ginger beer syrup.