The simplified Sorting Hat Quiz

A quicker way to find your Hogwarts house

Over the last decades, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry may be a fictional school, but its houses - Griffindor, Ravenclaw, Slytherin and Hufflepuff - and the iconic sorting hat sensation have led to one of the most searched personality quizes on the Internet, helping fans find belonging, friendships and discover their own selves.

Jake Finnan, a school psychologist, came up with this fantastic quiz that can sort you into your Hogwarts house within a few seconds. Forget MBTI, all you need to do is to find your answer (A or B) for these two following questions, click the button below and enter the letters in the pop up box! We will let you know your house and their best-known traits instantly.

As Dumbledore once said, "Let the magic begin!" ✨

Question 1: You have a decision to make. How do you make your decision?
Question 2: You walk into a room to find a jerk cussing out your best friend… and your friend didn’t do anything wrong! They both leave the room through separate doors. Who is the FIRST person you follow?